This answer page contains the Wheel of Fortune cheat database for the category Event. Get Answers Faster Using Filters

EventNumber of WordsTotal Number of LettersFirst Word Letters
After Dark295
Album Tour295
Anzac Day285
Apple Harvest2125
Apple Picking2125
April Showers2125
Arbor Day285
Award Ceremony2135
Balmy Morning2125
Beach Barbecue2135
Beach Bonfire2125
Beach Camping2125
Beach Getaway2125
Beach Getaways2135
Beach Party2105
Beach Soccer2115
Beach Volleyball2155
Bench Trial2105
Black Friday2115
Black Monday2115
Blind Date295
Block Party2105
Blood Drive2105
Blues Festival2135
Board Meeting2125
Brief Chat295
Brief Encounter2145
Brief Intermission2175
Brief Stopover2135
Brief Visit2105
Brisk Walk295
Bumpy Landing2125
Bumpy Ride295
Chewy Brownies2135
Chili Cook-Off2125
Choir Recital2125
Cigar Festival2135
Civil War285
Class Reunion2125
Close Encounter2145
Close Race295
Craft Fair295
Crash Test295
Cyber Monday2115
Daily Breakfast2145
Daily Briefing2135
Daily Broadcast2145
Daily Tours2105
Dance Competition2165
Dance Marathon2135
Dance Party2105
Davis Cup285
Disco Era285
Dream Date295
Dream Drive2105
Dream Trip295
Dream Vacation2135
Dream Wedding2125
Dress Rehearsal2145
Early Breakfast2145
Early Debut2105
Early Dinner2115
Early Dinnertime2155
Early Weekend2125
Early Winter2115
Earth Day285
Event Ticket2115
Fancy Dinner2115
Fever Tree295
Field Day285
Field Goal295
Final Exams2105
First Date295
First Frost2105
First Kiss295
First Semester2135
Flash Flood2105
Foggy Evening2125
Foggy Nights2115
Freak Accident2135
Gator Bowl295
Giant Milestone2145
Giant Snowstorm2145
Grand Adventure2145
Grand Finale2115
Grand Slam295
Grand Spectacle2145
Grand Tour295
Great Adventure2145
Great Away295
Great Depression2155
Great Getaway2125
Great Getaways2135
Great Habits2115
Great Hike295
Great Outing2115
Great Work295
Greek Festival2135
Group Date295
Happy Hour295
Happy Occasion2135
Happy Reunion2125
Heavy Downpour2135
Heavy Snowfall2135
Honey War285
House Parties2125
Humid Afternoon2145
Humid Weather2125
Ibm-Pc Invented2135
Irish Fair295
Kayak Polo295
King's Day285
Knife Throwing2135
Labor Day285
Large Celebration2165
Local Carnival2135
Local Cinema2115
Local Holidays2135
Lunar Eclipse2125
Lunch Cruise2115
Lunch Date295
Lunch Hour295
Magic Show295
Major Overhaul2135
Major Renovation2155
March Madness2125
March Seventeenth2165
Mardi Gras295
Media Blitz2105
Media Frenzy2115
Moose Sighting2135
Motor Rally2105
Movie & Dinner2115
Movie Festival2135
Movie Night2105
Movie Premiere2135
Muggy Morning2125
Music Class2105
Music Festival2135
Music Festivals2145
Music Recital2125
Naval Victory2125
Night Hike295
Night Safari2115
Night Trek295
Noble Quest2105
Ocean Crossing2135
Ocean Voyage2115
Olive Tasting2125
Panda Sighting2135
Party Favor2105
Pasta Night2105
Patio Brunch2115
Peach Crisps2115
Peach Festival2135
Photo Exhibit2125
Photo Finish2115
Photo Shoot2105
Photo Workshop2135
Photo Workshops2145
Piano Recital2125
Pizza Party2105
Plays & Musicals2135
Poker Tournament2155
Power Failure2125
Power Nap285
Power Outage2115
Press Conference2155
Prime Example2125
Prize Giveaway2135
Prize Giveaways2145
Punic Wars295
Quick Chat295
Quiet Celebration2165
Quiet Time295
Rainy Day285
Rainy Night2105
Ranch Rodeos2115
River Cruise2115
River Monster2125
River Rafting2125
River Trips2105
Roman Law285
Royal Coronation2155
Royal Feast2105
Royal Wedding2125
Rugby Match2105
Rugby Matches2125
Sales Convention2155
Shore Excursion2145
Shore Excursions2155
Short Visit2105
Slide Presentation2175
Sneak Preview2125
Snowy Afternoon2145
Snowy Winter2115
Solar Eclipse2125
Solar Shower2115
Sound Effects2125
Sport Climbing2135
Sport Massage2125
Staff Meeting2125
Stage Reading2125
State Fair295
Storm Chasing2125
Style Makeover2135
Sugar Bowl295
Sunny Afternoon2145
Sunny Day285
Sunny Season2115
Super Bowl295
Sword Fighting2135
Table Read295
Taste Test295
Tense Situation2145
Tight Race295
Total Eclipse2125
Total Shutdown2135
Tours & Trips2105
Track Meet295
Trade Fairs2105
Trade Show295
Train Depot2105
Train Trip295
Troop Deployment2155
Under Hypnosis2135
Urban Adventure2145
Water Adventure2145
Water Polo295
Wedge Flip-Flops2145
Whale Watching2135
White Sale295
Windy Day285
Windy Storm2105
Windy Storms2115
World Cruise2115
World Cup285
World Festivals2145
World Journey2125
World Series2115
World Tour295
World Voyage2115
Young Parent2115
Zumba Class2105

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