This answer page contains the Wheel of Fortune cheat database for the category Food and Drink. Get Answers Faster Using Filters

Food & DrinkNumber of WordsTotal Number of LettersFirst Word Letters
All-Purpose Baking Mix31910
All-Purpose White Flour32010
Apple-Bread Pudding Cake32110
Australia's Violet Crumble32310
Baked-Onion Cheese Dip31910
Blackberry Crumb Bars31910
Blackberry Crumb Cake31910
Blue-Cheese Ranch Dip31810
Blue-Ribbon- Winning Chili32210
Brown-Sugar Caramel Latte32210
Brown-Sugar Fruit Dip31810
Brown-Sugar Sandwich Cookies32510
Buttermilk Berry Muffins32210
Buttermilk Breakfast Cake32310
Buttermilk Fried Chicken32210
Buttermilk Ranch Dip31810
Butter-Milk Ranch Dip31810
Cantaloupe And Honeydew32110
Cappuccino With Biscotti32210
Cheesecake Ice Cream31810
Chocolatey Brownie Bites32210
Cold-Brewed Coffee Floats32210
Cold-Brewed Iced Coffee32010
Crinkle-Cut French Fries32110
Decades-Old Christmas Pudding32610
Delightful Decadent Desserts32610
Evaporated Fruit Juice32010
Extra-Large Cooked Shrimp32210
Fresh-Baked Almond Scones32210
Fresh-Baked Blackberry Muffins32710
Fresh-Baked Cinnamon Cookies32510
Fresh-Baked Filone Bread32110
Fresh-Baked French Bread32110
Fruit-Tella Blackcurrant Chews32710
Gingersnap Pumpkin Pie32010
Green-Chili Cheese Fries32110
Green-Onion Yogurt Sauce32110
Hamburgers & Hot Dogs31710
Hand-Dipped Chocolate-Covered Pretzels33410
Hand-Dipped Ice-Cream Cone32210
Hand-Salted Cheese Wheels32210
Herb-Brined Chicken Sandwich32510
Hominy-Bean & Meat Stew31810
Lemon-Chili Broiled Shrimp32310
Lemongrass Ice Cream31810
Mayonnaise Stuffed Tomatoes32510
Melt-In-Your Mouth Morsels32210
Melt-In-Your Mouth Ribs31910
Miso-Sesame Winter Squash32210
Multigrain Wheat Crackers32310
Nourishing Protein Shake32210
Nutritious Granola Bars32110
Nutritious Protein Drink32210
One-Hundred Calorie Snacks32310
Orange-Sage Sweet Potatoes32310
Pepperidge Farm Goldfish32210
Peppermint Candy Cane31910
Peppermint Chewing Gum32010
Peppermint Chocolate Brownies32710
Peppermint Herbal Tea31910
Peppermint Hot Chocolate32210
Peppermint Mocha Latte32010
Polynesian Pork Chops31910
Pork-Filled Moon Cakes31910
Portobello Mushroom Slices32410
Portuguese Bean Soup31810
Portuguese Egg-Custard Tarts32510
Prosciutto Wrapped Scallops32510
Pulled-Pork & Tri-Tip Sandwiches32610
Pulled-Pork Submarine Sandwiches32910
Pumpkin-Pie French Toast32110
Pumpkin-Pie Sugar Cookies32210
Raisin-Date Nut Bread31810
Reduced-Fat Sour Cream31910
Refreshing Agua Fresca32010
Refreshing Cold-Brew Coffee32410
Refreshing Iced Tea31710
Refreshing Peppermint Tea32310
Refreshing Watermelon Juice32510
Remarkable Art Collections32410
Salty-Sweet Dried Meat31910
Seasonings And Sauces31910
Seasonings And Spices31910
Shortcrust Cinnamon Cookies32510
Slow-Cooker Beef Stew31810
Slow-Cooker Corn Chowder32110
Sour-Cherry Jelly Beans32010
Spicy-Sweet Chili Crab31910
Spiralized Zucchini Noodles32510
Strawberry Basil Lemonade32310
Strawberry Bavarian-Cream Cake32710
Strawberry Buttermilk Sherbert32810
Strawberry Carrot Smoothie32410
Strawberry Chocolate Truffle32610
Strawberry Flavored Milk32210
Strawberry Ice Cream31810
Strawberry Kiwi Smoothie32210
Strawberry Layer Cake31910
Strawberry Milk Shake31910
Strawberry Orange Scones32210
Strawberry Protein Shake32210
Strawberry Shortcake Doll32310
Strawberry Snow Cones31910
Strawberry Spinach Salad32210
Sun-Ripened Italian Tomatoes32510
Sweet-Chili Veggie Burger32210
Unbleached Coffee Filters32310
Vegetarian Irish Stew31910
Vegetarian Pot Pie31610
Vegetarian Rice Pancakes32210
Vegetarian Stuffed Buns32110
Watermelon Jolly Ranchers32310
Watermelon Papaya & Mango32110
Whole-Grain Pizza Crust32010
Whole-Wheat Banana Muffins32310
Whole-Wheat Blackberry-Ricotta Scones33310
Whole-Wheat Blueberry Muffins32610
Whole-Wheat Dinner Rolls32110

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