This answer page contains the Wheel of Fortune cheat database for the category Landmark. Get Answers Faster Using Filters

LandmarkNumber of WordsTotal Number of LettersFirst Word Letters
Amazon River2116
Areios Pagos2116
Athens Planetarium2176
Battle Abbey2116
Beacon Rock2106
Beaver Stadium2136
Benaki Museum2126
Boston Common2126
Boston Harbor2126
Boston University2166
Calton Hill2106
Circus Maximus2136
Coogee Beach2116
Copley Square2126
Copper Mountain2146
Croagh Patrick2136
Dingle Peninsula2156
Dodger Stadium2136
Donner & Blitzen2136
Dublin Castle2126
Durdle Door2106
Eiffel Tower2116
Fenway Park2106
Flower Dome2106
Folsom Street2126
Golden Nugget2126
Granny Rock2106
Grants Pass2106
Hearst Castle2126
Hoover Dam296
Huajia Gate2106
Huntly House2116
Iskcon Temple2126
Jestai Temple2126
Jing'An Temple2126
Kotzia Square2126
Lehman Caves2116
Lisbon Oceanarium2166
Lowell Observatory2176
Magere Brug2106
Marina Reservoir2156
Marine Barracks2146
Meteor Crater2126
Moulin Rouge2116
Muscle Beach2116
Museum Siam2106
Navajo Sandstone2156
Nelson Monument2146
Osorno Volcano2136
Paddy's Market2126
Palmer Plaza2116
Panama Canal2116
Piazza Navona2126
Prague Castle2126
Public Square2126
Putman Museum2126
Sevier River2116
Stadio Flaminio2146
Statue Square2126
Sydney Tower2116
Teatro Real2106
Temple Mount2116
Templo Mayor2116
Turtle Fountain2146
Valley Forge2116
Volcan Tolhuaca2146
Winter Palace2126
Wizard Island2126
Yankee Stadium2136

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