This answer page contains the Wheel of Fortune cheat database for the category Landmark. Get Answers Faster Using Filters

LandmarkNumber of WordsTotal Number of LettersFirst Word Letters
Almudena Cathedral2178
Antelope Canyon2148
Audience Hall2128
Belcourt Theatre2158
Bohemian Paradise2168
Broadway Theater2158
Broadway Theatre2158
Brooklyn Bridge2148
Bunratty Castle2148
Carlsbad Caverns2158
Carnegie Hall2128
Chrysler Building2168
Circular Quay2128
Coliseum Theater2158
Colonial Hotel2138
Congress Hall2128
Delicate Arch2128
Egyptian Pyramids2168
Emperor's Canal2138
Flanders Battlefield2198
Franklin Square2148
Galleria Borghese2168
Gershwin Theater2158
Gershwin Theatre2158
Gillette Castle2148
Griffith Observatory2198
Hamilton Pool2128
Handmade Bay2118
Hardwood Tree2128
Haystack Rock2128
Historic Home2128
Hot-Towel Wrap2128
Jingshan Park2128
Leclaire Park2128
Legoland California2188
Longhorn Cavern2148
Longwood Gardens2158
Majestic Theatre2158
Marathon Village2158
Mayfield Park2128
Midnight Canyon2148
Monument Valley2148
National Archives2168
National Library2158
National Monument2168
National Museum2148
National Palace2148
National Park2128
Pasadena Playhouse2178
Pavlovsk Palace2148
Pentagon Building2168
Piazzale Michelangelo2208
Plymouth Rock2128
Rangeley Lake2128
Republic Plaza2138
Shanghai Tower2138
Stamford House2138
Stratton Mountain2168
Symphony Park2128
Traverse Theatre2158
Tuileres Palace2148
Upheaval Dome2128
Victoria Falls2138
Victoria Harbour2158
Victoria Peak2128
Wesleyan University2188
Wilshire Boulevard2178
Yosemite Falls2138
Zappeion Mansion2158

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