This answer page contains the Wheel of Fortune cheat database for the category Living Thing. Get Answers Faster Using Filters

Living ThingNumber of WordsTotal Number of LettersFirst Word Letters
Aardvarks & Elephants2189
Amaryllis Plant2149
Amazonian Manatee2169
Ameerican Beaver2159
Asparagus Beetles2169
Asparagus Fern2139
Beautiful Bluebirds2189
Beautiful Bluebonnets2209
Beautiful Butterflies2209
Beautiful Dahlias2169
Beautiful Doves2149
Beautiful Poinsettias2209
Beautiful Wildflowers2209
Big-Horned Sheep2149
Black-Eyed Susans2159
Black-Gold Philodendron2219
Blueberry Plants2159
Bluebirds & Blackbirds2199
Blue-Green Algae2149
Brazilian Tapir2149
Brilliant Daffodils2189
Bumblebee Bat2129
Burrowing Owl2129
Caribbean Parrots2169
Carpenter Ants2139
Chinstrap Penguin2169
Chinstrap Penguins2179
Chocolate Lab2129
Cockatoos & Cockatiels2199
Columbian Mammoth2169
Companion Animal2159
Crawshay's Zebra2149
Cutthroat Trout2149
Ducklings & Chicks2159
Dungeness Crab2139
Elephants & Buffalo2169
Elephants & Giraffes2179
Elephants & Tigers2159
Elephants & Zebras2159
Evergreen Holly2149
Evergreen Tree2139
Expensive Livestock2189
Extensive Vegetation2199
Fangtooth Fish2139
Fast-Pitch Bat2129
Fat-Tailed Dunnart2169
Feathered Friends2169
Ferocious Lion2139
Fictional Creature2179
Flowering Plants2159
Flowering Yucca2149
Fringe-Toe Lizard2159
Galapagos Tortoises2189
Galloping Horses2159
Galloping Stallions2189
Geoffroy's Marmoset2179
Germanium Bush2139
Grassland Songbirds2189
Harlequin Bug2129
Harlequin Ducks2149
Himalayan Cat2129
Horn-Faced Dinosaur2179
Horn-Faced Dinosaurs2189
Horseshoe Crab2139
Horseshoe Crabs2149
Hungarian Buffalo2169
Icelandic Pony2139
Kangaroos & Koalas2159
Lightning Bug2129
Lightning Bugs2139
Log-Tailed Duck2139
Long-Eared Bat2129
Long-Eared Owl2129
Longhorns & Livestock2189
Lovebirds & Parrots2169
Low-Flying Birds2149
Manzanita Tree2139
Marigolds & Bluebells2189
Marsupial Mole2139
Marvelous Marsupials2199
Metalmark Butterfly2189
Microbial Mat2129
Migrating Animals2169
Migrating Birds2149
Migrating Butterflies2209
Migrating Ducks2149
Migrating Geese2149
Migratory Birds2149
Miniature Collies2169
Miniature Donkey2159
Miniature Donkeys2169
Miniature Horses2159
Miniature Pinscher2179
Miniature Poodle2159
Miniature Poodles2169
Miniature Pumpkins2179
Miniature Schnauzer2189
Mythology Book2139
Nocturnal Creatures2189
Norwegian Buhund2159
Norwegian Elkhound2179
Norwegian Lundehund2189
Orb-Weaver Spider2159
Palamedes Swallowtail2209
Peregrine Falcon2159
Persimmon Tree2139
Pistachio Trees2149
Ponderosa Pine2139
Ponderosa Pines2149
Pronghorn Antelope2179
Raspberry Fruitworm2189
Raspberry Fruitworms2199
Red-Footed Tortoise2179
Redheaded Woodpecker2199
Red-Headed Woodpecker2199
Red-Headed Woodpeckers2209
Red-Legged Pademelon2189
Red-Legged Thrush2159
Red-Tailed Hawk2139
Red-Tailed Tropicbird2199
Red-Tailed Wasp2139
Saltwater Crocodile2189
Saltwater Crocodiles2199
Saltwater Fish2139
Scalloped Hammerhead2199
Scalloped Hammwehead2199
Scurrying Centipedes2199
Scurrying Mice2139
Secretary Bird2139
Snub-Nosed Monkey2159
Snuggable Koalas2159
Spadefoot Toad2139
Sparkling Diamonds2179
Sparkling Lights2159
Spruce-Fir Trees2149
Squawking Macaw2149
Squirrels & Chipmunks2189
Stargazer Lilies2159
Stargazer Lillies2169
Starlings & Swallows2179
Tasmanian Devil2149
Tasmanian Devils2159
Three-Toed Sloth2149
Two-Humped Camels2159
Unripened Acorns2159
Wallabies & Kangaroos2189
Web-Footed Birds2149
Web-Footed Tenrec2159
Whiskered Walrus2159
Whistling Swan2139
Whistling Thorn2149
White-Pine Trees2149
Woodchuck & Chipmunk2179
Yellowfin Tuna2139
Yorkshire Puppy2149
Yorkshire Terrier2169

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