This answer page contains the Wheel of Fortune cheat database for the category People. Get Answers Faster Using Filters

PeopleNumber of WordsTotal Number of LettersFirst Word Letters
Absentee Voters2148
Absolute Beginners2178
Acrobats & Jugglers2168
Adoptive Parents2158
Adorable Baby2128
Adorable Children2168
Advanced Civilization2208
Advisory Board2138
Advisory Committee2178
Airplane Passengers2188
Amateurs & Professionals2218
American Automakers2188
American Patriots2168
American Tourists2168
Artistic Communities2198
Artistic Families2168
Artistic Women2138
Athletic Stars2138
Aviation Enthusiast2188
Aviation Enthusiasts2198
Ballroom Dancers2158
Bankable Star2128
Baseball Coaches2158
Baseball Enthusiasts2198
Baseball Fans2128
Baseball Pitcher2158
Baseball Players2158
Baseball Team2128
Bassists & Guitarists2188
Biblical Scholars2168
Billiard Players2158
Blustery Bosses2148
Breakout Stars2138
Broadway Actress2158
Brothers & Sisters2158
Buddhist Monks2138
Business Colleagues2188
Business Community2178
Business Leaders2158
Business Owners2148
Business Partners2168
Business Travelers2178
Bustling Tourists2168
Campaign Spokesperson2208
Carefree Crowds2148
Carnival Barker2148
Carnival Participants2208
Category People2148
Charlies Angels2148
Charming Children2168
Cheerful Children2168
Cheerful Locals2148
Cheering Fans2128
Civilian Employees2178
Clarinet Band2128
Coaching Staff2138
Colorful Characters2188
Colorful Storytellers2208
Comeback Kid2118
Commando Squad2138
Complete Strangers2178
Consumer Advocates2178
Creative Cohorts2158
Creative Students2168
Creative Thinkers2168
Culinary Masters2158
Culinary Students2168
Division Champions2178
Dreamers & Doers2138
Drilling Crew2128
Eclectic Community2178
Educated Adults2148
Egyptian Pharaohs2168
Eligible Bachelors2178
Eligible Contestant2188
Eligible Contestants2198
Emerging Artists2158
Esteemed Chefs2138
Esteemed Merchants2178
Etruscan Kings2138
European Colonists2178
European Leaders2158
European Royalty2158
Everyday Heroes2148
Extended Family2148
Fabulous Storytellers2208
Facebook Friends2158
Faithful Gym-Goers2168
Favorite Cousin2148
Favorite Cousins2158
Favorite Son2118
Favorite Teacher2158
Favorite Writer2148
Five-Star Generals2168
Flamenco Dancer2148
Football Fans2128
Football Jock2128
Football League2148
Football Legends2158
Football Rivalries2178
Football Team2128
Founding Fathers2158
Frequent Customers2178
Freshmen & Sophomores2188
Friendly Amazonians2188
Friendly Arizonans2178
Friendly Aussie2148
Friendly Aussies2158
Friendly Bartenders2188
Friendly Campmates2178
Friendly Coworkers2178
Friendly Families2168
Friendly Family2148
Friendly Florists2168
Friendly Houseguests2198
Friendly Neighbors2178
Friendly Oregonians2188
Friendly Parisians2178
Friendly Roommates2178
Friendly Shopkeepers2198
Friendly Staff2138
Friendly Texans2148
Fullback & Halfback2168
Full-Time Employees2178
Game-Show Contestants2198
Generous Friends2158
Giggling Children2168
Giggling Girlfriends2198
Good-Time Charlie2158
Goodwill Ambassador2188
Graceful Dancers2158
Gracious Staff2138
Graduate Students2168
Graffiti Artist2148
Grown-Ups & Children2168
Handsome Couple2148
Handsome Dude2128
Handsome Strangers2178
Handsome Waiters2158
Harshest Critic2148
Honorary Chairman2168
Honorary Directors2178
Hospital Staff2138
Humorous Storyteller2198
Industry Leaders2158
Industry Panel2138
Industry Professionals2218
Informed Consumers2178
Intrepid Explorers2178
Jugglers & Unicyclists2198
Juggling Clown2138
Laborers & Merchants2178
Landlord & Tenant2148
Laughing Crowds2148
Lavender Growers2158
Licensed Pilots2148
Lifelong Fans2128
Lifelong Friends2158
Lifelong Viewers2158
Lobbying Firms2138
Longtime Customers2178
Longtime Enthusiasts2198
Longtime Pals2128
Longtime Subscribers2198
Magazine Readers2158
Managers & Directors2178
Marching Band2128
Mariachi Band2128
Maternal Grandparents2208
Mediator & Motivator2178
Merchant Marines2158
Merchant Sailors2158
Military Leaders2158
Military Personnel2178
Mountain Bikers2148
Mountain Climbers2168
Mountain Men2118
National Booksellers2198
National Champions2178
National Committee2178
National Heroes2148
Newlywed Couple2148
Official Sponsor2158
Olive-Oil Producers2178
Opposing Team2128
Orthodox Jews2128
Overseas Visitors2168
Parental Figure2148
Paternal Grandparents2208
Peaceful Community2178
Personal Advisers2168
Personal Advisors2168
Personal Entourage2178
Pilgrims & Indians2158
Pioneers & Artists2158
Pitchers & Catchers2168
Pop-Music Superstar2178
Pop-Music Superstars2188
Powerful Barons2148
Powerful Families2168
Pushcart Vendor2148
Radicals & Beatnicks2178
Radicals & Beatniks2168
Railroad Workers2158
Ranchers & Farmers2158
Ranchers & Trappers2168
Ranchers & Wranglers2178
Reckless Drivers2158
Referees & Umpires2158
Reindeer Herders2158
Reliable Employees2178
Reliable Eyewitnesses2208
Reliable Witnesses2178
Renowned Chefs2138
Restless Commuters2178
Romantic Couple2148
Salaried Employees2178
Seasoned Professionals2218
Seasoned Prosecutor2188
Seasoned Stitchers2178
Seasoned Travelers2178
Self-Help Group2138
Self-Made Men2118
Senators & Congressmen2198
Shipyard Workers2158
Sideshow Performers2188
Sidewalk Vendors2158
Softball League2148
Softball Team2128
Soldiers & Sailors2158
Sorority Sisters2158
Souvenir Sellers2158
Spirited Bunch2138
Spirited Individuals2198
Starting Lineup2148
Stock-Car Driver2148
Stoppers & Wingers2158
Straight Shooters2168
Strikers & Forwards2168
Stunning Acrobats2168
Symphony Orchestra2178
Talented Acrobats2168
Talented Alchemists2188
Talented Cartoonist2188
Talented Mixologist2188
Talented Musician2168
Talented Performers2188
Talented Players2158
Talented Swimmers2168
Talented Teacher2158
Talented Techie2148
Talk-Show Hosts2138
Tauruses & Geminis2158
Teachers & Students2168
Teaching Staff2138
Thrilled Spectators2188
Toddlers & Pre-Schoolers2208
Toddlers & Teenagers2178
Treasure Hunters2158
Unicycle Riders2148
Unlikely Bedfellows2188
Unlikely Friends2158
Visiting Team2128
Washroom Attendee2168
Washroom Attendees2178
Watchdog Organization2208
Whirling Dervish2158
Woodwind Section2158
Wrecking Crew2128
Yearbook Committee2178

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