This answer page contains the Wheel of Fortune cheat database for the category People. Get Answers Faster Using Filters

PeopleNumber of WordsTotal Number of LettersFirst Word Letters
Acclaimed Filmmaker2189
Accordion Player2159
Advancing Armies2159
Alternate Jurors2159
Anonymous Callers2169
Appointed Lawyer2159
Badminton Net2129
Beautiful Hostess2169
Beautiful Women2149
Beginning Birder2159
Bilingual Residents2189
Bilingual Travelers2189
Bluegrass Band2139
Boyfriend & Girlfriend2199
Brightest Minds2149
Cafeteria Workers2169
Capricorn & Pisces2159
Celebrity Chefs2149
Celebrity Impersonators2229
Celebrity Judges2159
Celebrity Panel2149
Celebrity Stylist2169
Certified Teachers2179
Certified Technicians2209
Character Actors2159
Chartered Members2169
Chemistry Students2179
Childhood Friends2169
Childhood Heroes2159
Childhood Heros2149
Childhood Pals2139
Childhood Sweethearts2209
Children's Choir2149
Chocolate Lovers2159
Christmas Carolers2179
Close-Knit Families2179
Close-Knit Family2159
Close-Knit Friends2169
Comic-Book Collectors2199
Community Leaders2169
Composers & Lyricists2189
Concerned Citizens2179
Corporate Authors2169
Corporate Sponsors2179
Corporate Team2139
Crosstown Rivals2159
Daredevil Divers2159
Decorated Soldiers2179
Dedicated Employees2189
Defending Champions2189
Defensive Line2139
Delighted Visitors2179
Democrats & Republicans2209
Directors & Producers2189
Disputing Parties2169
Dormitory Roommates2189
Eccentric Characters2199
Editorial Staff2149
Electoral College2169
Emergency Staff2149
Energetic Contestants2209
Energetic Folks2149
Energetic Millennials2209
Excellent Orators2169
Exclusive Shop2139
Expansion Team2139
Expectant Mothers2169
Exuberant Crowd2149
Fairy-Tale Princess2179
Fanatical Fans2139
First-Time Homebuyers2199
First-Time Visitors2179
Fraternal Twins2149
Full-Grown Children2179
Glamorous Showgirls2189
Godfather & Godmother2189
Gold-Medal Champions2189
Gold-Medal Olympians2189
Gold-Metal Champions2189
Governing Body2139
Harmonica Players2169
Harmonius Group2149
Hollywood Legends2169
Hollywood Royalty2169
Homegrown Talent2159
Honorable Judge2149
Identical Twins2149
Imaginary Enemies2169
Immediate Family2159
Important Clients2169
Inspiring Artists2169
Inspiring Inventors2189
Inspiring Speakers2179
Inspiring Writers2169
In-The-Know Concierge2189
Inventors & Scientists2199
Inventory Crew2139
Irritated Hecklers2179
Jam-Packed Crowd2149
Landscape Artists2169
Legendary Actors2159
Legendary Artists2169
Legendary Broadcasters2219
Legendary Frontiersmen2219
Legendary Leaders2169
Legendary Musicians2189
Legendary Performers2199
Legendary Players2169
Lion-Dance Troupe2159
Lyricists & Composers2189
Make-A-Wish Donors2159
Marketing Department2199
Megabucks Millionaires2219
Memorable Characters2199
Memorable Contestants2209
Memorable Philosophers2219
Motivated Staff2149
Nonprofit Group2149
Offensive Line2139
Offensive Lineman2169
Optimists & Pessimists2199
Out-Of-Town Guests2159
Out-Of-Town Visitors2179
Patriotic Citizens2179
Plaintiff & Defendant2189
Planetary Scientist2189
Planetary Scientists2199
Political Consultants2209
Political Pundits2169
Political Staffers2179
Political Theorists2189
Potential Buyers2159
Practical Joker2149
Practical Jokers2159
Preferred Customers2189
Prominent Collectors2199
Prominent Intellectuals2229
Qualified Applicants2199
Quick-Draw Artist2159
Quick-Draw Artists2169
Reality-Tv Stars2149
Recording Artist2159
Recording Artists2169
Respected Authors2169
Respected Elders2159
Respected Journalists2209
Respected Leaders2169
Respected Poets2149
Respected Scholars2179
Respected Scientists2199
Right-Wing Candidates2199
Satisfied Customers2189
Screaming Children2179
Screaming Fans2139
Small-Town Mayor2149
Snow-Rugby Players2169
Technical Climbers2179
Temporary Hires2149
Travelers & Adventurers2209
Traveling Nomads2159
Uninvited Guests2159
Versatile Musician2179
Video-Game Fans2139
Voice-Over Actor2149
Volunteer Firefighters2219
Volunteer Firemen2169
Volunteer Note-Takers2199
Volunteer Servers2169
Volunteer Staff2149
Volunteer Workers2169
Wandering Minstrels2189
Welcoming Committee2189
Well-Known Djs2129

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