This answer page contains the Wheel of Fortune cheat database for the category Place. Get Answers Faster Using Filters

PlaceNumber of WordsTotal Number of LettersFirst Word Letters
Accredited College21710
Affordable Housing21710
After-Hours Club21410
Ambassador Theater21710
Antebellum Mansion21710
Australian Bush21410
Australian Cities21610
Australian Outback21710
Automotive Museum21610
Automotive Store21510
Basilicata & Shrines21710
Basketball Court21510
Beachfront Hotel21510
Beachfront Oasis21510
Beachfront Property21810
Beachfront Spa21310
Beachfront Suites21610
Bottomless Shaft21510
California Vineyard21810
Campground Site21410
Carbonated Water21510
Centennial Park21410
Chuandixia Village21710
Commercial Bank21410
Commercial Hub21310
Concession Stand21510
Conference Room21410
Coniferous Forest21610
Contestant Searches21810
Convenient Location21810
Convention Center21610
Convention Facilities22010
Cumberland Plain21510
Democratic State21510
Department Store21510
Department Stores21610
Dog-And-Pony Show21410
Downstairs Bathroom21810
Ecological Parks21510
Efficiency Apartment21910
Elementary School21610
Employment Agency21610
Enchanting Country21710
Enchanting Forest21610
Enchanting Island21610
Equatorial Rainforest22010
Fine-Dining Restaurant22010
First-Class Cabin21510
Fisherman's Wharf21510
Fishermen's Colony21610
Fish-Filled Ponds21510
Flashlight Market21610
Flower-Clad Fields21610
Freshwater Lagoon21610
Freshwater Lake21410
Freshwater Spring21610
Freshwater Wetlands21810
Frozen-Food Section21710
Furnishing Shops21510
Futuristic Cities21610
Futuristic City21410
Futuristic House21510
Futuristic Kitchen21710
Glistening Glaciers21810
Glittering Temples21710
Golf-&-Tennis Resort21610
Government House21510
Grasslands & Meadows21710
Grasslands & Plains21610
Group-Study Rooms21510
Half-Timber Houses21610
Hard-To-Find Alcoves21710
Health-Food Store21510
Health-Food Supermarket22110
High-School Sweethearts22110
Historical Areas21510
Historical Center21610
Historical Display21710
Historical Sites21510
Hotel-Lobby Bar21310
Housewares Department22010
Ice-Covered Highways21810
Ice-Skating Rink21410
Incredible Cathedrals22010
Incredible Destinations22210
Incredible Restaurants22110
Incredible Woods21510
Individual Boroughs21810
Industrial Park21410
Industrial Workstation22110
Innovative City21410
Interstate Freeways21810
Interstate Highway21710
Interstate Highways21810
Interstate Railway21710
Landlocked Country21710
Landscaped Parks21510
Management Office21610
Meditation Room21410
Montessori School21610
Mysterious Islands21710
Mysterious Wilderness22010
Non-Oceanic Beaches21710
Oceanfront Cities21610
Oceanfront Condominium22110
Oceanfront Deck21410
Oceanfront Hotels21610
Oceanfront Resort21610
Oceanfront Restaurant22010
One-Of-A-Kind Shops21510
Orthopedic Hospital21810
Outpatient Clinic21610
Paddington Station21710
Parliament Chambers21810
Pedestrian Bridge21610
Pedestrian Streets21710
Plant-Based Restaurant22010
Projection Room21410
Prosperous Nation21610
Provincial Parks21510
Publishing House21510
Ranch-Style House21510
Ranch-Style Houses21610
Recreation Area21410
Recreation Center21610
Recreation Trails21610
Reef-Diving Sites21510
Reflecting Pool21410
Relaxation Lounge21610
Restaurant Booth21510
Restaurant Row21310
Restricted Areas21510
Retirement Community21910
Sanitation Station21710
Screened-In Patio21510
Second-Hand Booksellers22110
Secondhand Bookshop21810
Secondhand Market21610
Secondhand Shop21410
Shortgrass Prairies21810
Single-Room Bungalow21810
Skateboard Park21410
Snorkeling Spot21410
Snow-Capped Hills21510
Snowcapped Mountains21910
Snow-Capped Mountains21910
Snowcapped Mountaintop22110
Snowcapped Peaks21510
Snowcapped Summits21710
Snowmobile Tour21410
Snowmobile Trails21610
Stalactite Cave21410
Stationery Store21510
Stone-Build Village21710
Storefront Businesses22010
Strawberry Farm21410
Sunglasses Park21410
Sunglasses Shop21410
Television Station21710
Television Studio21610
Theatrical Stages21610
Third-Floor Apartment21910
Time-Shared Properties22010
Time-Warped Villages21810
Trampoline Park21410
Tree-Filled Boulevards22010
Tucked-Away Eateries21810
Tudor-Style House21510
Two-Bedroom Apartment21910
Underwater Canyon21610
Underwater Cave21410
Underwater Caves21510
Underwater Cities21610
Underwater Garden21610
Underwater Preserves21910
Underwater World21510
Unfinished Attic21510
Unfinished Basement21810
University Bookstore21910
University Library21710
University Towns21510
Vegetarian Diner21510
Vegetarian Market21610
Vegetarian Restaurants22110
Veterinary Clinic21610
Veterinary School21610
Vocational School21610
Volleyball Court21510
Waterfront Apartment21910
Waterfront Bistro21610
Waterfront Buildings21910
Waterfront Condominium22110
Waterfront Promenade21910
Waterfront Property21810
Waterfront Restaurant22010
Waterfront Restaurants22110
Waterfront Suite21510
Waterfront Views21510
Wilderness Area21410
Wilderness Retreat21710
Wildflower Garden21610
Wildflower Meadow21610
World-Class Beaches21710
World-Class Museums21710
World-Class Resort21610
World-Class Spa21310
World-Class Trails21610
Wraparound Porch21510
Zoological Garden21610

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