This answer page contains the Wheel of Fortune cheat database for the category Place. Get Answers Faster Using Filters

PlaceNumber of WordsTotal Number of LettersFirst Word Letters
Adventurer's Paradise21911
Appalachian Trail21611
Astonishing Hotels21711
Atmospheric Shrine21711
Backcountry Campsite21911
Bridgestone Arena21611
Busy-Kitchen Restaurants22211
Captivating City21511
Captivating Locale21711
Cobblestone Hill21511
Cobblestone Lanes21611
Cobblestone Streets21811
Comfortable Campgrounds22211
Comfortable Flats21611
Comfortable Guesthouse22111
Comfortable Spot21511
Connecticut Tigers21711
Convenience Store21611
Countryside Motel21611
Cutting-Edge City21511
Cutting-Edge Eatery21711
Cutting-Edge Hotel21611
Cutting-Edge Restaurants22211
Dilapidated Buildings22011
Distinctive Mansions21911
Dog-Friendly Hotel21611
Dog-Friendly Restaurants22211
Easternmost Corner21711
Eco-Friendly Products21911
Electric-Car Company21811
Electronics Superstore22111
Examination Room21511
Exceptional Location21911
Family-Owned Creamery21911
Family-Owned Restaurant22111
Family-Owned Restaurants22211
Family-Owned Trattorias22111
Farm-To-Table Restaurant22111
Farm-To-Table Restaurants22211
Five-And-Dime Store21611
Four-Bedroom Apartment22011
Four-Bedroom House21611
Free-Leaping Waterfall22011
Full-Service Gym21411
Full-Service Salon21611
Functioning Workshop21911
Game-Viewing Area21511
Game-Viewing Areas21611
Glassmaking School21711
Gothic-Style Buildings22011
Gourmet-Food Store21611
High-Country Forest21711
High-Country Forests21811
Hospitality Suite21611
Independent School21711
Interesting Markets21811
Interstates & Freeways21911
Kid-Friendly Attractions22211
Light-Filled Suite21611
Little-Known Islands21811
Magnificent Castles21811
Magnificent Cathedrals22111
Magnificent Gymnasiums22111
Magnificent Harbors21811
Magnificent Location21911
Mid-Atlantic Seashore21911
Mineral-Rich Land21511
Mountainous Countrysides22311
Mountainous Land21511
Mountaintop Chateau21811
Mountaintop Resort21711
Natural-Food Aisle21611
Naturalist's Paradise21911
Neighboring Community22011
Neighboring Districts22011
Neighboring Waters21711
Observation Deck21511
Organic-Date Farm21511
Overcrowded Restaurant22111
Pet-Adoption Center21711
Pet-Friendly Hotel21611
Pet-Friendly Hotels21711
Pet-Friendly Resorts21811
Pet-Grooming Salon21611
Photography Studio21711
Pick-Your-Own Farms21611
Picturesque Desert21711
Picturesque Destinations22311
Picturesque Location21911
Picturesque Neighborhoods22411
Picturesque Parks21611
Picturesque Paths21611
Picturesque Reservoirs22111
Picturesque Streets21811
Picturesque Town21511
Picturesque Village21811
Picturesque Villages21911
Prehistoric Preserve21911
Publication Company21811
Racquetball Club21511
Racquetball Court21611
Renaissance Houses21711
Residential Address21811
Residential Street21711
Self-Serving Home21511
Single-Track Trails21711
Smithsonian Institute22011
Snow-Covered Forest21711
Snow-Covered Mountaintops22311
Snow-Covered Roads21611
Spectacular Ballrooms22011
Spectacular Coastlines22111
Sun-Drenched Beaches21811
Sun-Drenched Coasts21711
Sun-Drenched Shoreline22011
Sun-Drenched Vineyards22011
Supermarket Checkout21911
Surrounding Communities22211
Surrounding Countryside22211
Tantalizing Neighborhoods22411
Teen-Driving School21711
Terrestrial Planet21711
Toddler-Play Area21511
Traditional Pavilions22011
Underground Cave21511
Underground Garage21711
Underground Laboratory22111
Underground Nightclubs22111
Underground Passageways22211
Underground Tunnel21711
Underground Vault21611
Undisclosed Location21911
Undisclosed Locations22011
Unfurnished Apartments22111
Uninhabited Desert21711
Vaccination Clinic21711
Welcome-Home Party21611
Whitewashed Towns21611
Wind-Turbine Farms21611
World-Famous Cities21711
World-Famous Parks21611
World-Famous Restaurants22211

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