This answer page contains the Wheel of Fortune cheat database for the category Place. Get Answers Faster Using Filters

PlaceNumber of WordsTotal Number of LettersFirst Word Letters
Alamo Square2115
Alien Worlds2115
Amish Community2145
Amish Country2125
Apple Farm295
Apple Orchard2125
Apple Orchards2135
Aroma Cabins2115
Asian Restaurant2155
Bagel Shops2105
Basin Road295
Beach Boutique2135
Beach Bungalow2135
Beach City295
Beach Club295
Beach Community2145
Beach Cottage2125
Beach Destination2165
Beach Destinations2175
Beach House2105
Beach Houses2115
Beach Path295
Beach Resort2115
Beach Town295
Beach Toys295
Beech Forest2115
Below Zero295
Berry Farm295
Biker Bar285
Bingo Hall295
Bingo Parlor2115
Bondi Beach2105
Brick House2105
Broad Boulevards2155
Broom Closet2115
Bryce Canyon2115
Bumpy Road295
Cabin & Lodge2105
Cabot Cove295
Cafes & Bookstores2155
Candy Counter2125
Candy Factory2125
Candy Store2105
Capri Italy2105
Caves & Alcoves2125
Caves & Coves2105
Charm School2115
Chef's Kitchen2125
Civic Auditorium2155
Civic Center2115
Civic Museum2115
Clean Waterways2145
Clear Footpath2135
Cloud Forest2115
Comfy Den285
Comfy Home295
Comfy Lounge2115
Comfy Sofa295
Coney Island2115
Craft Shop295
Craft Shops2105
Craft Store2105
Craft Villages2135
Crash Pad285
Creek Bed285
Crime Lab285
Crow's Nest295
Dairy Farm295
Dance Club295
Dance Clubs2105
Dance Floor2105
Dance Studio2115
Dense Forest2115
Dense Forests2125
Dense Rainforest2155
Dense Rainforests2165
Dodge Challenger2155
Doge's Palace2115
Dream Destination2165
Dream Home295
Dream House2105
Dusty Road295
Dusty Roads2105
Dusty Streets2125
Dwarf Planet2115
Dwarf Planets2125
Eagle Mountains2145
Eerie Mansion2125
Empty Apartment2145
Extra Room295
Fancy Boutique2135
Fancy Cafe295
Fancy Hotel2105
Fancy Mansions2135
Farms & Gardens2125
Farms & Orchards2135
Ferry Terminal2135
Ferry Wharf2105
First Base295
Fly-In Lodge2105
Foggy Graveyard2145
Front Porch2105
Front Yard295
Fruit Farm295
Fruit Grove2105
Fruit Orchard2125
Fruit Orchards2135
Funky Boutique2135
Funky Eateries2135
Funky Shops2105
Ghost Town295
Ghost Towns2105
Glass Elevator2135
Glass Elevators2145
Glass Factory2125
Globe Theater2125
Globe Theatre2125
Glove Box285
Grain Elevator2135
Grand Ballroom2135
Grand Cathedrals2155
Grape Vineyard2135
Grass Field2105
Grave Creek2105
Great Escapes2125
Great Getaway2125
Great Restaurant2155
Great Restaurants2165
Green Courtyards2155
Green Field2105
Green Fields2115
Green Meadows2125
Guard Post295
Guard Shack2105
Guest Bathroom2135
Guest Bedroom2125
Guest Ranch2105
Guest Room295
Happy Home295
Hills & Valleys2125
Hobby Shop295
Hobby Store2105
Horse Farm295
Horse Stable2115
Horse Stables2125
Hotel & Spa285
Hotel Bar285
Hotel Cafe295
Hotel Foyer2105
Hotel Gym285
Hotel Lobby2105
Hotel Room295
Hotel Rooms2105
Hotel Spa285
Hotel Suite2105
Ideal City295
Ideal Destinations2175
Irish Pub285
Juice Bar285
King's Landing2125
Lakes & Ponds2105
Large Airport2125
Large Classroom2145
Large Schoolyard2155
Large Seaport2125
Large Wetlands2135
Latin Quarter2125
Lion's Den285
Local Bakery2115
Local Bakeshop2135
Local Bodega2115
Local Bookshops2145
Local Bookstore2145
Local Boutique2135
Local Branch2115
Local Cabaret2125
Local Cafe295
Local Cafes2105
Local Cinema2115
Local College2125
Local Deli295
Local Diner2105
Local Distillery2155
Local Eateries2135
Local Hangout2125
Local Islands2125
Local Library2125
Local Park295
Local Pawnshop2135
Local Pharmacy2135
Local Pizzeria2135
Local Planetarium2165
Local Restaurant2155
Local Restaurants2165
Local School2115
Local Store2105
Lotus Labyrinth2145
Lower Courts2115
Magic Shop295
Manly Beach2105
Marid Rio285
Marin Headlands2145
Media Center2115
Metro Station2125
Milan Italy2105
Motel Room295
Motor Speedway2135
Movie Theater2125
Movie Theatre2125
Muddy Road295
Muddy Springs2125
Music Conservatory2175
Music District2135
Naval Base295
Naval Shipyard2135
Noisy Cafeteria2145
Noisy Casino2115
Ocean Pier295
Olive Groves2115
Olive Orchard2125
Opera House2105
Outer Office2115
Outer Planet2115
Outer Space2105
Pagan Temples2125
Party School2115
Paved Bikeway2125
Paved Driveway2135
Paved Patio2105
Paved Roads2105
Peach Orchard2125
Photo Booth2105
Photo Lab285
Piano Bar285
Piano Gallery2125
Piano Lounge2115
Pizza Chain2105
Pizza Joint2105
Pizza Kitchen2125
Pizza Parlor2115
Pizza Shop295
Pizza Shops2105
Plaka Neighborhood2175
Plaza Neighborhood2175
Plush Cabana2115
Plush Uplands2125
Poker Room295
Poker Table2105
Poppy Field2105
Poppy Garden2115
Power Plant2105
Power Stations2135
Prime Location2135
Quiet Beaches2125
Quiet Cafe295
Quiet Oasis2105
Quiet Office2115
Quiet Patio2105
Quiet Restaurants2165
Quiet Subdivision2165
Quiet Suburb2115
Radio Newsroom2135
Radio Station2125
Ranch Estate2115
Rapid River2105
Right Field2105
Right Path295
River Basin2105
River Cities2115
River Roads2105
Roads & Highways2135
Rocky Hillside2135
Rocky Islands2125
Rocky Shore2105
Rocky Shoreline2145
Roman Forum2105
Royal Castle2115
Royal Chateau2125
Royal Palace2115
Royal Palaces2125
Royal Parks2105
Royal Residences2155
Rugby Field2105
Rural Areas2105
Rural Inns295
Rural Road295
Rural Town295
Sales Office2115
Sandy Beach2105
Sandy Beaches2125
Sandy Cove295
Sandy Isles2105
Sandy Shoreline2145
Santa Rosa295
Shady Backyard2135
Shady Courtyard2145
Shady Spot295
Sheep Farm295
Sheer Cliffs2115
Ship's Bowel2105
Ship's Bowels2115
Ship's Stateroom2145
Shops & Boutiques2145
Shops & Museums2125
Shotz Brewery2125
Skate Park295
Small Airstrip2135
Small Cities2115
Small Communities2165
Small Cottage2125
Small Coves2105
Small Farm295
Small Kitchen2125
Small Lodges2115
Small Space2105
Small Theaters2135
Small Town295
Smart Home295
Snack Bar285
Snake Pit285
Solar Observatory2165
Sonic Drive-In2125
Space Station2125
Spare Bedroom2125
State Capital2125
State Capitol2125
State Highway2125
State Line295
State Park295
State Parks2105
Steak House2105
Steak Restaurant2155
Steam Room295
Steep Gorge2105
Steep Hill295
Steep Hillsides2145
Steep Mountains2145
Still Waters2115
Stone Castle2115
Stone Courtyards2155
Stone Quarry2115
Study Hall295
Sugar Plantation2155
Sunny Courtyard2145
Sunny Vineyards2145
Sushi Bar285
Sushi Bars295
Sushi Restaurant2155
Swank Bistro2115
Swiss Chalet2115
Tapas Restaurant2155
Taste Mexico2115
Theme Park295
Theme Parks2105
Thick Woods2105
Third Base295
Tiber River2105
Tidal Basin2105
Tidal Flow295
Tidal Marsh2105
Tight Crawlspaces2165
Tokyo Japan2105
Trade School2115
Train Depot2105
Train Station2125
Trial Court2105
Truck Stop295
Urban Area295
Urban Oasis2105
Urban Parkland2135
Urban Wilderness2155
Urubu River2105
Vegan Restaurant2155
Video Arcade2115
Water Park295
Water Playground2155
Wheat Farm295
Wheat Field2105
Windy Bluff2105
Windy Roads2105
World Capitals2135
Yacht Club295
Yacht Clubs2105
Yacht Harbor2115
Youth Center2115
Youth Hostel2115
Youth Hostels2125

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