This answer page contains the Wheel of Fortune cheat database for the category Place. Get Answers Faster Using Filters

PlaceNumber of WordsTotal Number of LettersFirst Word Letters
Abandoned Warehouse2189
Adjoining Creek2149
Amusement Park2139
Animation Studio2159
Apartment Building2179
Apartment Complex2169
Appliance Store2149
Auto-Parts Store2149
Avalanche Paths2149
Basilicas & Shrines2169
Baslilcas & Shrines2169
Beachside Casino2159
Beachside Communities2209
Beachside Cottage2169
Beach-Side Cottage2169
Beachside Hotels2159
Beautiful Balconies2189
Beautiful Bathroom2179
Beautiful Bay2129
Beautiful Beaches2169
Beautiful Cathedrals2199
Beautiful Chalet2159
Beautiful Countryside2209
Beautiful Courses2169
Beautiful Garden2159
Beautiful Gardens2169
Beautiful Home2139
Beautiful Island2159
Beautiful Islands2169
Beautiful Metropolis2199
Beautiful Monastery2189
Beautiful Museum2159
Beautiful Museums2169
Beautiful Neighborhoods2229
Beautiful Parklands2189
Beautiful Resort2159
Beautiful State2149
Beautiful Towns2149
Beautiful Villages2179
Beautiful Waterfront2199
Bilingual City2139
Blackjack Lounge2159
Black-Sand Beaches2169
Boarded-Up Town2139
Botanical Garden2159
Botanical Gardens2169
Brick-Oven Pizzeria2179
Brokerage Firm2139
Bulk-Candy Shop2139
Byzantine Churches2179
Candlelit Room2139
Cantonese Kitchen2169
Caribbean Atolls2159
Caribbean Island2159
Chemistry Lab2129
Childhood Home2139
Children's Bedroom2169
Children's Playground2199
Children's Zoo2129
Chocolate Shop2139
Christmas Markets2169
Cliffside Cafe2139
Cliffside Restaurant2199
Close-Knit Community2189
Clubhouse Grounds2169
Cluttered Area2139
Cluttered Attic2149
Cobwebbed Room2139
Cold-Water Stream2159
Cold-Water Streams2169
Comic-Book Store2149
Community College2169
Community Colleges2179
Community Garden2159
Community Hospital2179
Community Hub2129
Community Market2159
Community Organizations2229
Connected World2149
Cornfield Maze2139
Corporate Headquarters2219
Cosmetics Counter2169
Countries & Continents2199
Crocodile Exhibit2169
Dangerous Territory2189
Deciduous Forest2159
Detective Agencies2179
Detective Agency2159
Developed Countries2189
Discovery Bay2129
Eccentric City2139
Eccentric Town2139
Edinburgh Castle2159
Emergency Room2139
Enchanted Forest2159
Enchanted Tower2149
Energetic Metropolis2199
Entryways & Walkways2179
Evergreen Forest2159
Evergreen Forests2169
Excavated Passageways2209
Exclusive Boutique2179
Exclusive Restaurants2209
Exclusive Shop2139
Executive Offices2169
Executive Washroom2179
Expansive Plateau2169
Exquisite Hotels2159
Exquisite Restaurants2209
Fairy-Tale Garden2159
Fairy-Tale Town2139
Family-Run Businesses2199
Family-Run Restaurant2199
Fantastic Destination2209
Fantastic Neighborhoods2229
Farmlands & Pastures2179
Fast-Paced City2139
Fertility Clinic2159
Financial District2179
Financial Hub2129
Financial Institution2209
Fireproof Vault2149
First-Rate Hotels2159
Flamingos Sanctuary2189
Furnished Apartment2189
Furnished Cottages2179
Furniture Store2149
Furniture Warehouse2189
Gianicolo Hill2139
Gilligan's Island2159
Glamorous City2139
Glamorous Resorts2169
Gold-Domed Courthouse2199
Grid-Based City2139
Gunpowder Factory2169
Happening Clubs2149
Hazardous Conditions2199
High-Class Restaurants2209
Hollywood Palladium2189
Hollywood Soundstage2199
Honeymoon Cabin2149
Honeymoon Destinations2219
Honeymoon Suite2149
Honky-Tonk Saloon2159
Hospitals & Schools2169
Ice-Hockey Arena2149
Ice-Hockey Rink2139
Isolation Booth2149
Lafayette Square2159
Lakeshore Cottage2169
Land-Based Restaurant2199
Legendary Casinos2169
Libraries & Bookstores2199
Lifeguard Stand2149
Lifeguard Station2169
Lifestyle Hotels2159
Limestone Cave2139
Limestone Caves2149
Limestone Farmsteads2199
Listening Booth2149
Little-Red Schoolhouse2209
Live-Music Venue2149
Loft-Style Apartment2189
Louisiana Wetlands2179
Luxurious Lodges2159
Luxurious Mansion2169
Luxurious Rooms2149
Luxurious Suite2149
Luxurious Suites2159
Luxurious Surroundings2219
Luxurious Yurt2139
Manhattan Penthouse2189
Marvelous Restaurant2199
Maternity Ward2139
Medicinal Garden2159
Memorable Bistros2169
Modern-Art Galleries2189
Modern-Art Museum2159
Must-Visit Destination2209
Must-Visit Destinations2219
Must-Visit Museums2169
Nantucket Island2159
Neo-Gothic Church2159
No-Parking Zone2139
Oceanside Restaurant2199
Ocean-View Cabin2149
Oceanview Condo2149
Ocean-View Terrace2169
Operating Room2139
Orchestra Section2169
Organized Kitchen2169
Out-Of-Town Trip2139
Overwater Bungalows2189
Paintball Field2149
Paintball Park2139
Palm-Laden Gardens2169
Parochial School2159
Penthouse Apartment2189
Penthouse Condominium2209
Penthouse Suite2149
Phosphate Mines2149
Pistachio Farm2139
Ponderosa Ranch2149
Promenade Deck2139
Protected Countrysides2219
Protected Forest2159
Protected Parklands2189
Protected Wetland2169
Protected Wetlands2179
Reception Area2139
Reception Room2139
Recording Studio2159
Reference Library2169
Renovated Garage2159
Renovated Guesthouse2199
Rent-To-Own Home2139
Respected Authors2169
Revolving Restaurant2199
Riverside Location2179
Riverside Patio2149
Sagebrush Plains2159
Sandstone Canyons2169
Satellite Campuses2179
Satellite Office2159
Secondary Sources2169
Sleepaway Camp2139
Slopeside Locations2189
Sovereign Nation2159
Specialty Restaurants2209
Specialty Shops2149
Specialty Stores2159
Sprawling City2139
Sprawling Forest2159
Sprawling Property2179
Sprawling Resorts2169
Sprawling Suburbs2169
Spreckels Lake2139
Steamboat Springs2169
Storybook Pavilions2189
Storybook Quarters2179
Sugarcane Plantation2199
Sugarless Candy2149
Sun-Filled Resort2159
Tallgrass Prairies2179
Teak-Lined Deck2139
Technical College2169
Temperate Grasslands2199
Temperate Rainforest2199
Temperate Rainforests2209
Theater-In The-Round2179
Time-Share Properties2199
Treatment Room2139
Tree-Laden Streets2169
Tree-Lined Walkway2169
Ultra-Chic Cities2159
Uncrowded Beach2149
Uncrowded Beaches2169
Uncrowded Spaces2159
Unhabited Desert2159
Unspoiled Beaches2169
Unspoiled Coastlines2199
Unspoiled Forest2159
Unspoiled Paradise2179
Untouched Wilderness2199
Vegetable Farm2139
Vegetable Garden2159
Vegetable Patch2149
Victorian Building2179
Victorian Home2139
Victorian Houses2159
Victorian Villages2179
Video-Game Arcade2159
Westbound Freeway2169
White-Sand Beaches2169
Wholesale Warehouses2199
Windswept Beaches2169
Wonderful City2139
Wonderful Hotels2159
Yunnanese Hamlet2159

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