This answer page contains the Wheel of Fortune cheat database for the category Thing. Get Answers Faster Using Filters

ThingsNumber of WordsTotal Number of LettersFirst Word Letters
Acrylic-Based Overcoat22012
Affectionate & Thoughtful22212
Affectionate Gesture21912
Affectionate Hug21512
Affectionate Nickname22012
Affectionate Thing21712
Agricultural Machinery22112
All-Inclusive Package21912
All-Inclusive Packages22012
All-You-Can-Eat Buffet21812
Alphabetical List21612
Alphabetical Order21712
Alpine-Skiing Lessons21912
Ancient-Greek Philosophy22212
Ancient-Greek Sculpture22112
Appreciative Applause22012
Architecture & Literature22212
Architecture Books21712
Astrological Forecast22012
Astronomical Clock21712
Astronomical Compass21912
Astronomical Cost21612
Asymmetrical Movements22112
Aviator-Style Sunglasses22212
Award-Winning Service21912
Awe-Inspiring View21612
Awe-Inspiring Views21712
Baby-Changing Table21712
Bell-Bottomed Jeans21712
Bell-Bottomed Trousers22012
Biographical Novels21812
Black-Leather Belt21612
Bodybuilding Workout21912
Bone-Chilling Wind21612
Bone-Freezing Wind21612
Breathtaking Drops21712
Breathtaking Mountains22112
Breathtaking Scenery21912
Breathtaking Views21712
Breathtaking Waterfall22112
Brilliant-Cut Diamonds22012
Casual-Dining Options21912
Centuries-Old Architecture22412
Centuries-Old Scenery21912
Championship Patch21712
Championship Patches21912
Championship Standing22012
Collectibles & Books21712
Confidential Information22312
Construction Costs21712
Construction Paper21712
Contemporary Dance21712
Contemporary Ideas21712
Conventional Wisdom21812
Conversation Piece21712
Cosmopolitan Atmosphere22212
Cosmopolitan Lifestyle22112
Cosmopolitan Luxuries22012
Cotton-Canvas Shoes21712
Country-Music Station21912
Craft-Service Table21712
Crowdfunding Website21912
Crystal-Clear Lake21612
Crystal-Clear Ocean21712
Crystal-Clear Waters21812
Custom-Fitted Clothing22012
Departmental Procedures22212
Disappearing Act21512
Dishonorable Discharge22112
Disinfecting Wipes21712
Do-It-Yourself Project21912
Double-Bladed Paddle21812
Double-Decker Bus21512
Double-Decker Tramcar21912
Early-Morning Dew21512
Early-Morning Shuttles22012
Earsplitting Scream21812
Earth-Colored Stones21812
Eleventh-Hour Decision22012
Emerald-Green Sea21512
Enlightening Documentaries22512
Entertaining Exhibitions22312
Entertaining Memoir21812
Entertaining Newsletter22212
Evolutionary Stages21812
Experimental Aircraft22012
Experimental Opera21712
Extrasensory Perception22212
Fast-Charging Batteries22112
Favorability Rating21812
Fifteen-Month Calendar22012
Food-Delivery Service21912
Friendliness & Kindness22012
Get-Rich-Quick Scheme21812
Golden-Winged Sneakers22012
Gray-And-Black Beard21712
Hairdresser's Appointment22312
Hairdressers Appointment22312
Half-Distance Line21612
Hand-Tailored Suit21612
Healthy-Happy Life21612
Heart-Healthy Recipes21912
Heartwarming Story21712
Heliocentric Orbit21712
Helium-Filled Balloons22012
High-Altitude Travel21812
High-Security Vault21712
Housewarming Gift21612
Humanitarian Award21712
Humanitarian Effort21812
Human-Looking Robot21712
Hypothetical Question22012
Hypothetical Scenario22012
Intellectual Ability21912
Intellectual Pursuits22012
Intermittent Rain21612
Interpretive Dance21712
Intimidating Presence22012
Introductory Offer21712
Invigorating Exercise22012
Invigorating Run21512
Invisibility Shield21812
Irresistible Smile21712
Leather-Bound Journal21912
Leopard-Print Skirt21712
Life-Changing Information22312
Lighthearted Mindset21912
Long-Distance Relationship22412
Long-Distance Romance21912
Long-Distance Running21912
Loose-Fitting Sweater21912
Materialized Plans21712
Mathematical Equation22012
Mathematical Models21812
Mathematical Predictions22312
Mathematical Problem21912
Mesoamerican Architecture22412
Millionaires & Billionaires22412
Mist-Shrouded Peaks21712
Moisturizing Cream21712
Moisturizing Creams21812
Moisturizing Towelettes22212
Motivational Quotes21812
Multicolored Pushpins22012
Multi-Display Clock21712
National-Park Pass21612
Natural-Stone Steps21712
Neighborhood Pharmacy22012
Neoclassical Architecture22412
Neoclassical Buildings22112
Neoclassical Style21712
Occupational Humor21712
Occupational Therapy21912
Old-Fashioned Bathtub21912
Old-Fashioned Thinking22012
Old-Fashioned Typewriter22212
Old-Fashioned Virtues21912
Old-Fashioned Ways21612
Opening-Night Sensation22112
Otherworldly Dreams21812
Otherworldly Sights21812
Overwhelming Response22012
Overwhelming Support21912
Paisley-Print Tie21512
Paperweights & Phonographs22312
Pennsylvania Turnpike22012
Personalized Book21612
Personalized Gifts21712
Personalized Jewelry21912
Personalized Mementos22012
Personalized Ornaments22112
Personalized Stationery22212
Photographic Opportunities22512
Pleated-Front Slacks21812
Postdoctoral Studies21912
Prescription Bottles21912
Prescription Labels21812
Pre-Sharpened Pencils21912
Presidential Appointment22312
Presidential Appointments22412
Presidential Archives22012
Presidential Biography22112
Presidential Motorcade22112
Presidential Portrait22012
Presidential Seal21612
Presidential Speeches22012
Presidential Veto21612
Pressed-Glass Beads21712
Professional Attire21812
Professional Attitude22012
Professional Career21812
Professional Name21612
Rambunctious Behavior22012
Random-Access Memory21812
Rapid-Transit System21812
Rechargeable Batteries22112
Recreational Activities22212
Recreational Vehicle21912
Rejuvenating Facial21812
Rope-And-Plank Bridge21812
Scandinavian Music21712
Scrapbooking Supplies22012
Self-Weighing Suitcase22012
Semiprecious Gems21612
Semi-Precious Jewels21812
Semi-Previous Jewels21812
Shatterproof Glass21712
Shredded-Beef Taco21612
Silver-Plated Jewelry21912
Sketch-Comedy Series21812
Skyrocketing Prices21812
Skyrocketing Tourism21912
Snowboarding Lessons21912
Solar-Powered Boats21712
Solar-Powered Flashlight22212
Solar-Powered Windmills22112
Spellbinding Book21612
Spellbinding Unicorn21912
Sport-Fishing Charter21912
Stained-Glass Windows21912
Stereophonic Sound21712
Supernatural Activity22012
Supplemental Income21812
Surveillance Gadgets21912
Surveillance Video21712
Tech-Industry Leader21812
Thousand-Foot Waterfalls22212
Three-Pronged Pins21612
Thunderbolts & Lightning22112
Timed-Release Capsule21912
Tire-Pressure Gauge21712
Top-Of-The-Hour News21612
Tropical-Fish Aquarium22012
Turbocharged Engine21812
Twenty-Dollar Bill21612
Twenty-Twenty Vision21812
Unauthorized Biography22112
Unclassified Information22312
Unforgivable Experience22212
Unobstructed Views21712
Unscientific Research22012
Upward-Facing Dog21512
Video-Editing Station21912
Well-Deserved Rest21612
White-Marbled Figurines22112
Winter-Sports Enjoyment22112
Winter-Sports Equipment22112
Wooden-Chalet Architecture22412
Yogurt-Dipped Pretzels22012
Zero-Landfill Operation22112

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Thing — 20,660 Comments

  1. I once solved a puzzle before any letters were revealed. The puzzle was Emancipation Proclamation. When was that episode of WOF?

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