This answer page contains the Wheel of Fortune cheat database for the category Thing. Get Answers Faster Using Filters

ThingsNumber of WordsTotal Number of LettersFirst Word Letters
Amusement-Park Ride21713
Amusement-Park Rides21813
App-Controlled Devices22013
Architectural Gems21713
Architectural Innovations22413
Architectural Masterpiece22413
Architectural Treasures22213
Authorization Code21713
Beach-Inspired Decor21813
Bibliographic Records22013
Biodegradable Plastic22013
Black-And-White Photos21913
Blood-Curdling Scream21913
Blood-Curdling Screams22013
Bright-Colored Sneakers22113
Business-Class Seating22013
Cardio-Workout Plan21713
Chronological Order21813
Chrysanthemum Fireworks22213
Closed-Circuit Television22313
Collaborative Effort21913
Commemorative Coins21813
Commemorative Plate21813
Commemorative Stamp21813
Communication Barrier22013
Communication Skills21913
Complimentary Dinner21913
Complimentary Wi-Fi21713
Comprehensive Exam21713
Comprehensive Physical22113
Cottage-Cheese Thighs21913
Custom-Painted Murals21913
Deep-Breathing Exercises22213
Desk-Organizer Caddy21813
Disappointing Results22013
Discretionary Fund21713
Discretionary Funds21813
Discretionary Rules21813
Earth-Relative Velocity22113
Easy-To-Care-For Plants21913
Easy-To-Swallow Capsules22113
Eighteen-Carat Sapphire22113
Electromotive Force21813
Entertainment Attractions22413
Entertainment Guide21813
Entertainment News21713
Environmental Issues21913
Expressionist Art21613
Extraordinary Accomplishment22713
Extraordinary Architecture22513
Extraordinary Dramas21913
Extraordinary Landscapes22313
Extraordinary Setting22013
Figure-Of-Eight Knot21713
Fourteen-Carat Diamond22013
Frequent-Flyer Miles21813
Fuel-Efficient Car21613
Gravitational Lens21713
Gravitational Pull21713
Happy-Birthday Sign21713
Hawaiian-Style Lunch21813
Healthy–Happy Life21613
Heart-Pounding Thriller22113
High-Speed-Wi-Fi Connection22313
Hook-And-Ladder Truck21813
Human-Interest Stories22013
Human-Interest Story21813
Impressionist Art21613
Insignificant Details22013
Inspirational Landscape22213
International Affairs22013
International Crossroads22313
International Espionage22213
International Expansion22213
International Flight21913
International Intrigue22113
International Travel21913
International Visitors22113
Investigative Journalism22313
Invisible-Beam Tripwire22113
Irreplaceable Heirlooms22213
Irresponsible Behavior22113
Jewelry-Making & Weaving22013
Living-History Park21713
Manufacturing Leader21913
Mediterranean Climate22013
Microwave-Safe Dish21713
Million-Dollar Smile21813
Mini-Christmas Villages22113
Mint-Condition Car21613
Monochromatic Painting22113
Mouthwatering Flavor21913
Multicultural Population22313
Non-Disclosure Form21713
Philosophical Questions22213
Potassium-Rich Diet21713
Prepositional Phrases22013
Prescriptions Bottles22013
Profit-And-Loss Statement22213
Psychological Test21713
Public-Address System21913
Public-Fishing Pier21713
Pulse-Pounding Music21813
Pyramid-Shaped Mountain22113
Revolutionary Ideas21813
Rocket-Powered Aircraft22113
Roulette-Style Wheel21813
Round-The-Clock Hours21813
Satin-Stitched Umbrella22113
Self-Propelled Sprayers22113
Self-Published Magazine22113
Self-Published Magazines22213
Semi-Submerged Sandbar22013
Semi-Submerged Sandbars22113
Shakespearean Sonnets22013
Shiny-Pink-Go-Go Boots21813
Sidesplitting Story21813
Skin-Polishing Soap21713
Sophisticated Fashion22013
Sophisticated Shopping22113
Spine-Tingling Horror
Spine-Tingling Stories22013
Spine-Tingling Story21813
Spine-Tingling Tales21813
State-Of-The-Art Gym21613
Street-Fashion Trends21913
Sugar-Textured Sand21713
Summer-Camping Gear21713
Sun-Protection Factor21913
Superstitions & Taboos21913
Technological Innovations22413
Tender–Loving Care21613
Tortoiseshell Bracelets22213
Transcription Headphones22313
Turquoise-Blue Water21813
Unconditional Guarantee22213
Unconditional Love21713
Unforgettable Experience22313
Unforgettable Scenery22013
Unforgettable Songs21813
Unforgettable Soups21813
Unforgettable Story21813
Unupholstered Furniture22213
Venetian-Glass Goblet21913
Wash–And–Wear Fabrics21813
Well-Preserved Artifacts22213
Wind-Resistant Jacket21913
Zucchini-Bread Recipe21913

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Thing — 20,660 Comments

  1. I once solved a puzzle before any letters were revealed. The puzzle was Emancipation Proclamation. When was that episode of WOF?

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